Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I have respecced to Arcane/Fire

I was getting bored of my Frost specialization, and I decided to make a change. It is the second time I change my talents, so it was very cheap. Since I've been Fire and then Frost, the obvious option was to go Arcane. After trying a few different talent combinations, I decided to get "Slow" too, and have only a few talents in the Fire tree, like Pyroblast.

What I like about this new talent combination is the possibility of having huge crits with improved criticals, +30% spell damage activated, Pyroblast and ignition. And the instant Pyroblast once every 3 minutes rocks too. I scored a 4k critical on a mob, and considering the ignition and the fire damage over time the total damage of the spell was almost 6k. This is the most powerful hit I ever scored.

I think I'll keep this talents until the expansion, when I'll probably go back to Fire talents for easier questing.

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