I'm really pissed off... I had an awful day at PKR. I sat down at a table with 10$ and lost all my money, because of bad luck. The first starting hands were all trash cards. I got three times in a row 96 off suited.

Again and again, trash cards. About 20 minutes of play, and still didn't got any playable hand.

In order to avoid being labeled as a rock I tried some bluffs with weak cards. This way I managed to secure my stack covering the cost of the blinds. My first showdown was won on a lucky river, but with a small pot.

I had to wait another 10 minutes before I received my first strong hand. An AQ off suited. After some pre flop raises, there were three people on the flop. The flop came 10,J,J. I was on a straight draw. I checked, Seaflow (a girl who looks very similar to me) checked too, and Bigstu60 made a small raise. I called and Seaflow folded. The turn brought me the desired K. I was having the straight (Ace high). The only thing I was afraid of was a possible full house, but this was very unlikely. I checked, to let Bigstu60 bet. He made a bet just as I was expecting, and I went All-In. I stood up, and he called. Guess what he had: AQ. He had a similar hand. The pot was split and I got nothing from that brilliant hand.

I got a little pissed off, and started to play more aggressive. With the first decent hand (KJ) I re-raised from a late position, and got called by Seaflow. I was already angry on her, after other players said about her that she's beautiful. The flop brought an Ace, and nothing good for me. Seaflow checks. The pot was pretty good, and I bluffed with a strong raise. She went all-in. Damn! I folded. I had nothing, and she probably hit the Ace on the flop. I lost about 3$ on that hand.
Only a few hands after this I get a QQ. I was the small blind. Someone from an early position raised and two players called. I made a strong re-raise. Everyone but Luxaeterna folded. He made a re-raise. I assumed he had a very good hand, but I was already in the pot with half of my stack, and I was holding QQ. I went All-In and he called. Guess what he had? He had KK. Nothing came on the table and I lost all my money. This was a terrible hand.

The first thing I had in mind was to make a re-buy, but I was too angry to continue playing. I know the best thing to do when you get angry in poker is to stand up and leave, and so I did. I think it was a wise choice, because I would have probably lost more. I hope next time I'll have better luck.